Friday, August 8, 2014

Agent Startup in N-Tier Systems

This is a discussion on how to configure the different TRIRIGA Platform Agents to start-up on N-Tiered systems.
Most of the agents are single-instance, and do not allow multiple instances to be run on multiple servers. The exception to this are the two multi-instance agents: Workflow Agent, Reserve SMTP Agent and Data Import Agent. Problems can occur if single-instance agents are attempted to be run simultaneously. The Agent Manager across the servers will prevent single-instance agents from being started multiple types. 

The following outlines some different common n-tier server configurations.

Case 1 Two Servers: Application Server and Process Server

The first case we'll examine is where there is a Application Server, and a Process Server. The Application server is where the end users sign in to, and the Process Server is where the majority of agents are running. 

These are where the agents should be running:

Application Server: DataImportAgent, ReportQueueAgent
Process Server: CleanupAgent, DataConnectAgent, DataImportAgent, ExtendedFormulaAgent, FormulaRecalcAgent, IncomingMailAgent, ObjectMigrationAgent, ObjectPublishAgent, ReserveSMTPAgent, SchedulerAgent, WFAgent, WFFutureAgent, WFNotificationAgent 

Note, for Agents like the IncomingMailAgent or WFFutureAgent can be disabled if you don't have the license are not using those features. 

Case 2 Three Servers: Two Application Servers and a Process Server

This case the Application Server is split into two servers, with some sort of "stick session" load balancing. We only need to run the ReportQueueAgent on one of those servers, that is where the users will be redirected once the report has completed running in the background:

Application Server 1: DataImportAgent, ReportQueueAgent
Application Server 2: DataImportAgent
Process Server: CleanupAgent, DataConnectAgent, DataImportAgent, ExtendedFormulaAgent, FormulaRecalcAgent, IncomingMailAgent, ObjectMigrationAgent, ObjectPublishAgent, ReserveSMTPAgent, SchedulerAgent, WFAgent, WFFutureAgent, WFNotificationAgent
Case 3 Four Servers: Two Application and Two Process Servers

When splitting up the process server, you could consider one process server the main Workflow server, and the other the main Extended Formula Agent server. While the Workflow Agent can run on both process servers, less threads should be allocated two the server running the Extended Queue agent. This is to allow more resources to be available to the Extended Queue Agent. For example, Process Server 1 can start out with 10 WF Agent Threads, while Process Server 2 could start with 5. When deciding on the other agents, you can spread the load across the two process servers. A tuning exercise should be done to best determine the number of threads is optimal for each server. 

Application Server 1: DataImportAgent, ReportQueueAgent
Application Server 2: DataImportAgent
Process Server 1: CleanupAgent, DataImportAgent, FormulaRecalcAgent, IncomingMailAgent, ReserveSMTPAgent, WFAgent, WFFutureAgent, WFNotificationAgent
Process Server 2: DataConnectAgent, DataImportAgent, ExtendedFormulaAgent, FormulaRecalcAgent, ObjectMigrationAgent, ObjectPublishAgent, SchedulerAgent, WFAgent

Taken from

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