Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How To Reassign Pending Approval Records for a Person in IBM TRIRIGA

A person could leave a company or an organization for various business reasons including termination, retirement, layoffs, new job role / promotion in a different organization, or departmental re-organization. In the IBM TRIRIGA, this person (user) could have pending Approval records in the system that needs to be reassigned. IBM TRIRIGA has a process to address this business need.  It can be accessed from the menu: Requests > Manage Requests > Other > Reviewer Admin.

The “Reviewer Admin” form allows an admin user to reassign the Approval records that are pending the person leaving the organization.  On the form, the user will select the ‘Currently Assigned To’ person and the ‘Reassign To’ person then click ‘Create Draft’ and ‘Issue’ to process it.  Then, processing occurs to update the ‘Currently Assigned To’ person’s Approval records to indicate each has been reassigned. The system also creates a new Approval records and assigns to the ‘Reassign To’ person. Standard request processing continues and it completes the Reviewer Admin record.  At this point, the ‘Reassign To’ person has pending approvals assigned to review and take action on.

In summary, the ‘Reviewer Admin’ functionality in IBM TRIRIGA assures that pending approval records are not lost in the system when the business situation of a person leaving the company or an organization occurs.

How to properly shutdown IBM TRIRIGA servers

Regarding server bounces, I’ve noticed a haphazard assortment of processes. In an IDEAL shut down situation, the steps I’ve been preaching to our clients are:
  1. In the Admin Console, log in to Stop the workflow agent(s)
    • This will pause the workflow queue.  Currently running workflows will continue as normal, but no new workflows will be processed.  Queued workflows are stored in a DB table and will still exist when the agent is restarted / server is restarted.
  1. Validate the following BEFORE shutting down
    • Users have logged out of the system
    • No currently running workflows
    • Extended formula queue is empty (Performance Monitor in admin console or via SQL query)
  1. Shutdown each server
    • Option 1: <serverURL>/html/en/default/admin/shutdown.jsp
    • Option 2: Run the script or windows bat file
  1. Validate shutdown by:
    • The server.log file should have a line that reads “Shutdown complete”
    • The  system process should no longer be running.

If any of the validations above fail, it’s typically no big deal, but it would be good to double check.

Taken from TangoMC Smart Hub